Model CXXBV-XX-12-XX-20-25

Custom-designed for large draw-through air handlers with the following characteristics:    

  • Draw-through air handlers up to 100+ tons
  • Drain sizes 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2."
  • Drain seal static pressure limit -5.0" WC

Selecting, Sizing, and Installation

Selecting and sizing the CostGard™ Condensate Drain Seal requires the same system pressure data to select and size a p-trap. These static pressures can be calculated or taken in the field. The data needed to calculate static pressures and size, the CostGard™ Condensate Drain Seal, is available from the designing MEP engineer. This data includes static pressure losses across all system elements, fan curves, duct design, unit dimensions, and submittals for all components, including filters and coil. A summary of the information necessary for choosing a CostGard™ device and preparing an installation arrangement is defined here: Data Needed for Sizing and Selecting; Click image to enlarge.Click to Enlarge: Data Needed Form


CostGard™ Drain Seal, grommets, ball valve, vent tee and custom designed installation instructions


Custom Sizes Available


Typical Installation Drawings

View Model C38BV-12-85-20-25-0-1: Click image to englarge
View Model C40BV-15-88-20-25-0-2:: Click image to enlarge

LEARN MORE: Draw-Through Overview
REQUEST QUOTE: CostGard™ Commercial Kit 

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For pricing information and to learn how Trent Technologies, Inc. can help your company, contact us online or by phone.

Trent Technologies, Inc.

Contact Form 903-509-4843 Request Quote